The Recruit Academy class scheduled for 21-Oct-09 will be held at the Skagit County Dike Dist. 12 Building located at 1317 S. Anacortes St in Burlington.
The training will commence at 1800 and will be comprised of outdoor and hands on evolutions. Please dress appropriately and bring closed toed foot ware and work gloves.
Map can be found here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&q=1317+S.+Anacortes+st++burlington&fb=1&gl=us&cid=0,0,2007371944900848993&ei=nlvbSuu9CNLO8QaauMC3BQ&ved=0CAwQnwIwAA&hq=1317+S.+Anacortes+st++burlington&hnear=&ll=48.459348,-122.328923&spn=0.010245,0.019248&z=16